
对犬为期 14 年的寿命研究



Purina 的研究表明,从幼年开始以及在整个生命周期都保持最佳身体状况,可以提高犬的寿命和健康参数。3-5 

Purina 的研究


在一项为期 14 年的研究中, Purina 科学家率先证明了犬在整个生命周期中保持身体健康的重要性。3


图片改编自 2002 年 Kealy 等人的著作

在这项具有里程碑意义的研究中,研究人员监测了 48 只拉布拉多猎犬一生的健康状况,其中一半的犬与饲饱(对照)的兄弟姐妹相比,少喂食 25%(精瘦饲养)。结果显示,当犬从幼犬起一直按照瘦体状况喂养时,精瘦犬的生命质量更高、寿命更长。

  • 平均寿命延长了 1.8 年或 15%。对照饲养犬的平均寿命为 11.2 年,与之相比精瘦饲养的犬的平均寿命为 13 年。
  • 25% 的饮食限制也延迟了这些犬的慢性疾病症状的发生时间 4
  • 饮食限制对骨骼成熟、结构或代谢没有不良影响 4 



在 2 岁前,精瘦饲养犬的髋关节发育不良率比对照组低 50%,严重程度要低得多。  

在这张图中,精瘦饲养组中 12 岁大的犬患有骨关节炎的比例几乎与对照饲养组中该年龄一半的犬的患病比例相同。 

研究结束时,对照日料饲养的犬中 83% 出现了髋关节骨关节炎的放射学影像特征,与之相比,精瘦饲养组的这一比例仅占 50%。5



精瘦饲养犬的肩关节和肘关节骨关节炎的发病率和严重程度也较低。在 8 岁时,两种或多种类型的骨关节炎的发病率在对照饲养犬中为 77%,而在精瘦饲养犬中仅为 10% 。6



  • 它们显示出更高的胰岛素敏感性,更有利于葡萄糖调节
  • 它们能够更好地维持长时间的免疫防御应答
  • 年龄相关的衰退出现得更晚4


  • 对拉布拉多猎犬的一项为期 14 年的寿命研究表明,当从幼犬起的整个生命周期一直按照瘦体状况饲养时,犬的生命质量更高、寿命更长。
  • 精瘦饲养的拉布拉多猎犬的平均寿命延长了 1.8 年 (15%)。
  • 在整个生命周期内保持最佳身体状况可能会延迟骨关节炎的发生,并降低其严重程度。
  • 精瘦犬还在其他慢性疾病以及与年龄相关的疾病方面发病时间更晚。






1. Fontana, L., Partridge, L., & Longo, V. D. (2010). Extending healthy life span--from yeast to humans. Science (New York, N.Y.), 328(5976), 321–326.

2. Kaeberlein, M., Creevy, K. E., & Promislow, D. E. (2016). The dog aging project: translational geroscience in companion animals. Mammalian genome: official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society, 27(7-8), 279–288.

3. Kealy, R.D., Lawler, D.F., Ballam, J.M., Mantz, S.L., Biery, D.N., Greeley. E.H., & Stowe, H.D. (2002). Effects of diet restriction on life span and age-related changes in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 220, 1315-1320.

4.  Lawler, D.F., Larson, B.T., Ballam, J.M., Smith, G.K., Biery, D.N., Evans, R.H., & Kealy, R.D. (2008). Diet restriction and ageing in the dog: major observations over two decades. British Journal of Nutrition, 99(4), 793-805.

5. Smith, G. K., Paster, E. R., Powers, M. Y., Lawler, D. F., Biery, D. N., Shofer, F. S., McKelvie, P. J., & Kealy, R. D. (2006). Lifelong diet restriction and radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis of the hip joint in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 229(5), 690–693.

6. Kealy, R.D., Lawler, D.F., Ballam, J.M., Lust, G., Biery, D.N., Smith, G.K., & Mantz, S.L. (2000). Evaluation of the effect of limited food consumption on radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 217(11), 1678-1680.

 与此为期 14 年研究相关的其他研究:  

6.1. Huck, J. L., Biery, D. N., Lawler, D.F., Gregor, T. P., Runge, J. J., Evans, R.H., Kealy, R.D., & Smith, G. K. (2009). A longitudinal study of the influence of lifetime food restriction on development of osteoarthritis in the canine elbow. Veterinary Surgery, 38(2), 192- 198.

6.2. Greeley, E. H., Kealy, R.D., Ballam, J. M., Lawler, D. F., & Segre, M. (1996). The influence of age on the canine immune system. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 55(1-3), 1-10.

6.3. Greeley, E.H., Ballam, J.M., Harrison, J.M., Kealy, R.D., Lawler, D.F., & Segre, M. (2001). The influence of age and gender on the immune system: a longitudinal study in Labrador Retriever dogs. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 82(1-2), 57-71.

6.4. Greeley, E.H., Spitznagel, E., Lawler, D.F., Kealy, R.D., & Segre, M. (2006). Modulation of canine immunosenescence by life-long caloric restriction. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 111(3-4), 287-299.

6.5. Kealy, R.D., Olsson, S.E., Monti, K.L., Lawler, D.F., Biery, D.N., Helms, R.W., Lust, G., & Smith, G.K. (1992). Effects of limited food consumption on the incidence of hip dysplasia in growing dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 201(6), 857-863.

6.6. Kealy, R.D., Lawler, D.F., Ballam, J.M., Lust, G., Smith, G.K., Biery, D.N., & Olsson, S.E. (1997). Five-year longitudinal study on limited food consumption and development of osteoarthritis in coxofemoral joints of dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 210(2), 222-225.

6.7. Larson, B. T., Lawler, D.F., Spitznagel, E. L., & Kealy, R.D. (2003). Improved glucose tolerance with lifetime diet restriction favorably affects disease and survival in dogs. Journal of Nutrition, 133(9), 2887-2892.

6.8. Lawler, D.F., Evans, R. H., Larson, B.T., Spitznagel, E. L., Ellersieck, M. R., & Kealy, R. D. (2005). Influence of lifetime food restriction on causes, time, and predictors of death in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 226(2), 225-231.

6.9. Lawler, D. F., Ballam, J. M., Meadows, R., Larson, B. T., Li, Q., Stowe, H. D., & Kealy, R. D. (2007). Influence of lifetime food restriction on physiological variables in Labrador retriever dogs. Experimental Gerontology, 42(3), 204-214.

6.10. Lawler, D. F., Larson, B. T., Ballam, J. M., Smith, G. K., Biery, D. N., Evans, R. H., & Kealy, R. D. (2007). Diet restriction and ageing in the dog: major observations over two decades. British Journal of Nutrition, 99(4), 793-805.

6.11. Richards, S. E., Wang, Y., Lawler, D., Kochhar, S., Holmes, E., Lindon, J. C., & Nicholson, J. K. (2008). Self-modeling curve resolution recovery of temporal metabolite signal modulation in NMR spectroscopic data sets: application to a life-long caloric restriction study in dogs. Analytic Chemistry Journal, 80(13), 4876-4885.

6.12. Richards, S. E., Wang, Y., Claus, S. P., Lawler, D., Kochhar, S., Holmes, E., & Nicholson, J. K. (2013). Metabolic phenotype modulation by caloric restriction in a lifelong dog study. Journal of Proteome Research, 12(7), 3117-3127.

6.13. Runge, J. J., Biery, D. N., Lawler, D. F., Gregor, T. P., Evans, R. H., Kealy, R. D., Szabo, S. D., & Smith, G. K. (2008). The effects of lifetime food restriction on the development of osteoarthritis in the canine shoulder. Veterinary Surgery, 37(1), 102-107.

6.14. Smith, G. K., Lawler, D. F., Biery, D. N., Powers, M. Y., Shofer, F., Gregor, T. P., & Kealy, R. D. (2012). Chronology of hip dysplasia development in a cohort of 48 Labrador retrievers followed for life. Veterinary Surgery, 41(1), 20-33.

6.15. Stowe, H. D., Lawler, D. F., & Kealy, R. D. (2006). Antioxidant status of pair-fed Labrador retrievers is affected by diet restriction and aging. Journal of Nutrition, 136(7), 1844-1848.

6.16. Szabo, S. D., Biery, D. N., Lawler, D. F., Shofer, F. S., Powers, M. Y., Kealy, R. D., & Smith, G. K. (2007). Evaluation of a circumferential femoral head osteophyte as an early indicator of osteoarthritis characteristic of canine hip dysplasia in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 231(6), 889-92.

6.17. Wang, Y., Lawler, D., Larson, B., Ramadan, Z., Kochhar, S., Holmes, E., & Nicholson, J. K. (2007). Metabonomic investigations of aging and caloric restriction in a life-long dog study. Journal of Proteome Research, 6(5), 1846-1854.