里程碑式 Purina 研究:减少猫过敏原的关键一步


对猫的过敏是人类中最常见的动物源性过敏  1,全世界大约有五分之一的成年人对猫过敏。2


猫过敏也可能是养猫的障碍,因为这会影响猫的收养情况,并可能导致猫的重新安置或放弃饲养。3-6 这就是为什么 Purina 科学家投入了 10 多年时间研究如何应对猫过敏原,并改善猫爱好者及其猫同伴的生活。



Purina 的研究


Purina 的科学家发现,一种含有 Fel d 1 (猫的主要过敏原) 抗体的蛋制品成分可与猫唾液中的 Fel d 1 结合,从而防止其在对猫易过敏个体中引发过敏反应的能力应。

这一发现或许会促成对猫过敏原管理的新型和激动人心的方法的方法,同时保持猫正常 Fel d 1 的产生,而不影响猫的整体生理机能。这些突破性的发现可以在人们在家中养猫的同时改变应对猫过敏的方式。





1.Morris, D. (2010). Human allergy to environmental pet danders: A public health perspective. Veterinary Dermatology, 21, 441-449.

2.Bousquet, P.-J., Chinn, S., Janson, C., Kogevinas, M., Burney, P. & Jarvis, D. (2007). Geographical variation in the prevalence of positive skin tests to environmental aeroallergens in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey I. Allergy, 62, 301-309.

3.American Humane Association. (2012). Keeping pets (dogs and cats) in homes: A three-phase retention study. Phase I: Reasons for not owning a dog or cat. 检索自美国慈善协会网站: https://www.americanhumane.org/app/uploads/2016/08/aha-petsmart-retention-study-phase-1.pdf 

4.Casey, R.A., Vandenbussche, S., Bradshaw, J.W.S., & Roberts, M.A. (2009). Reasons for relinquishment and return of domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) to rescue shelters in the UK. Anthrozoös, 22, 347-358. doi: 10.2752/089279309X12538695316185 

5.Coe, J.B., Young, I., Lambert, K., Dysart, L., Borden, L.N.& Rajic, A. (2014). A scoping review of published research on the relinquishment of companion animals. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 17, 253-273. doi: 10.1080/10888705.2014.899910

6.Zito, S., Morton, J., Vankan, D., Paterson, M., Bennett, P.C., Rand, J., Phillips, C.J.C.(2016). Reasons people surrender unowned and owned cats to Australian animal shelters and barriers to assuming ownership of unowned cats. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 19, 303-319. doi: 10.1080/10888705.206.1141682 
