





此外,还有多项研究对市售人用和宠物用益生菌的质量和纯度提出了质疑。1、5-9在评估的 136 种和 258 种人用和兽用益生菌中,分别只有两种和四种益生菌的产品标签是准确描述的。其他发现包括活菌浓度低;标签上声明有一种或以上微生物而实际却没有;夹杂微生物;及含量标注不准确、不典型。6-9

除了符合有效益生菌的所有标准外,还必须进行稳定性研究,以确定该益生菌(活微生物)在典型的生产、运输和储存条件下仍能存活。Purina 已在该领域进行了广泛的研究,并在这些研究的基础上开发了有效、稳定且安全的益生菌。



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  1. Cunningham, M., Azcarate-Peril, M. A., Barnard, A., Benoit, V., Grimaldi, R., Guyonnet, D.,…Gibson, G. R. (2021).Shaping the future of probiotics and prebiotics. Trends in Microbiology, 29(8), 667—685. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2021.01.003
  2. Barros, C. P., Guimarães, J. T., Esmerino, E. A., Duarte, M. C. K. H., Silva, M. C., Silva, R.,…Cruz, A. G. (2020). Paraprobiotics and postbiotics: concepts and potential applications in dairy products. Current Opinion in Food Science, 32, 1–8. doi:10.1016/j.cofs.2019.12.003
  3. Kekkonen R. A.,Kajasto, E., Miettinen, M., Veckman, V., Korpela, R., & Julkunen, I. (2008). Probiotic Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. cremoris and Streptococcus thermophilus induce IL12 and IFN-γ production. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 14, 1192–1203.
  4. Viljanen, M., Kuitunen, M., Haahtela, T., Juntunen-Backman, K., Korpela, R., & Savilhati, E. (2005). Probiotic effects on faecal inflammatory markers and on faecal IgA in food allergic atopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome infants. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 16, 65–71.
  5. Rolfe, R.D. (2000).The role of probiotic cultures in the control of gastrointestinal health. Proceedings of the Probiotic Bacteria: Implications of Human Health Symposium. Journal of Nutrition, 130, 396S–402S.
  6. Weese, J. S. (2002). Microbiologic evaluation of commercial probiotics. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 220, 794–797.
  7. Weese, J. S., & Arroyo, L. (2003). Bacteriological evaluation of dog and cat diets that claim to contain probiotics. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 44, 212–215.
  8. Weese, J. S. (2003). Evaluation of deficiencies in labeling of commercial probiotics. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 44, 982–983.
  9. Weese, J. S., & Martin, H. (2011). Assessment of commercial probiotic bacterial contents and label accuracy. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 52,43–46.