Purina Institute Events

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  • The_Gut-Brain_Axis

    The Gut-Brain Axis and Those "Gut Feelings:" the Impact of B. longum (BL999) on Anxiety in Dogs

    Ragen T. S. McGowan, PhD

    Anxiety-related behavioral issues are a top reason why pet owners relinquish dogs to shelters. Learn about anxiety prevalence, its signs, contributing factors and methods for modification. Dr. McGowan details the research that supports the roles of nutrition, the gut-brain axis and a novel dietary intervention in behavioral modification of anxious dogs.

    30-60 minutes

  • Whos_The_Boss

    Who’s the boss? The gut-brain axis in health and disease

    Karin Allenspach, Dr.med.vet. DECVIM-CA, PhD, AGAF

    Delve into the growing evidence that supports the pivotal role of the gut-brain axis in cognition, anxiety and epilepsy in humans and pets.

    Less than 30 minutes

  • Beyond_The_Bacteria

    Beyond the bacteria: evidence-based selection of probiotics and synbiotics

    Mike Lappin, DVM, PhD, DACVIM

    Explore the current clinical evidence for probiotics and synbiotics for dogs and cats, including their nongastrointestinal effects. Learn how to select an appropriate probiotic or synbiotic for clinical cases.

    30-60 minutes