Purina Institute Events

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  • Immunity-inflammation

    Immunonutrition—Companion Animal Perspectives

    Ebenezer Satyaraj, PhD

    Explore the interplay between diet and the gut-associated immune system. From providing essential nutrients to modulating immune function, dietary interventions offer opportunities to optimize immune health and reduce immune-related disorders.

    30-60 minutes

  • CAN_Summit_2023_website_thumbnail_no_thread_500x300

    Canine Cognitive Decline and the Role of the Microbiome

    Natasha J. Olby, VetMb, PhD, DACVIM (Neurology)

    An overview of the relationship between gut and oral microbiomes and neurodegenerative diseases and whether microbiota manipulation can influence canine brain health.

    30-60 minutes

  • Life Stage Nutrition

    Life Stage Nutrition: Tips on When and How to Engage Clients in Nutrition Conversations

    Andrea J. Fascetti, VMD, PHD, DACVIM (SAIM, NUTRITION)

    Cecilia Villaverde Haro, BVSC, PHD, DACVIM (NUTRITION), DECVCN

    Leading veterinary nutrition experts discuss key aspects of life stage nutrition, including the impact of growth, neutering, obesity and aging. Drs. Fascetti and Villaverde provide practical, evidence-based advice regarding the timing of proactive life stage-based nutritional interventions, as well as tips for initiating client conversations and improving compliance.

    60-90 minutes

  • The_Oral_Microbiome

    The oral microbiome: current knowledge and clinical implications

    Julie Spears, PhD

    Explore current knowledge of the oral microbiome, including its development and the impact of dental disease and dental cleaning.

    30-60 minutes