Purina Institute Events

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  • Collaborative Care Webinar Thumbnail

    Demystifying Adverse Food Reactions

    Frédéric Gaschen, Dr.med.vet., Dr.habil., DACVIM (SAIM), Dipl. ECVIM-CA, AGAF

    Domenico Santoro, DVM, MS, DrSc, PhD, DACVD, DECVD, DACVM

    Learn about the most up-to-date approaches to diagnosis and clinical management of food-responsive skin and gastrointestinal diseases in dogs.

    60-90 minutes

  • mbf 2023 website thumbnail

    The Gut–Brain Axis in Epilepsy and Cognitive Dysfunction

    Holger Volk, DVM, DECVN, PhD, PGCAP, FHEA, MRCVS

    The gut–brain axis and diet play important roles in the management of canine idiopathic epilepsy, its comorbidities, and cognition.

    30-60 minutes

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    Optimal Nutrition for Promoting Healthy Brain Ageing in Dogs

    Yuanlong (Gary) Pan, BVM, PhD

    A brief review of age-related changes in the brain and how specific nutrients can support brain health in healthy senior dogs and those with cognitive dysfunction syndrome.

    Less than 30 minutes

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    Cellular Senescence in Renal Aging and Disease

    Jessica Quimby, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (SAIM)

    The role of renal aging and its central concept, cellular senescence, in the etiology of feline chronic kidney disease.

    30-60 minutes

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    Panel Discussion: The Microbiome, the Gut and Brain Function

    Jan S. Suchodolski, MedVet, DrVetMed, PhD, AGAF, DACVM Marcus Böhme, MSc, PhD Holger A. Volk, DVM, PhD, PGCAP, DECVN Natasha J. Olby, VetMb, PhD, DACVIM

    Speakers from The Microbiome, the Gut and Brain Function section of the 2023 Companion Animal Nutrition Summit answer presentation-related questions.

    Less than 30 minutes

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    Canine Cognitive Decline and the Role of the Microbiome

    Natasha J. Olby, VetMb, PhD, DACVIM (Neurology)

    An overview of the relationship between gut and oral microbiomes and neurodegenerative diseases and whether microbiota manipulation can influence canine brain health.

    30-60 minutes

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    Epilepsy, the Gut and the Ageing Brain

    Holger A. Volk, DVM, PhD, PGCAP, DECVN

    A review of dietary management strategies to improve brain health, slow brain ageing, and help manage neurologic and cognitive disorders in dogs.

    30-60 minutes

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    The Gut Microbiome as a Target for Improving Brain Health During Ageing

    Marcus Böhme, MSc, PhD

    An overview of the relationship between the gut microbiota and age-related changes in the brain, including opportunities for microbiota-based interventions in brain ageing.

    30-60 minutes

  • microbiome round table 2023

    Managing Difficult Chronic Enteropathy Cases

    Jan Suchodolski, MedVet, DrVetMed, PhD, AGAF, DACVM

    Julia Fritz, DECVCN, FTÄ Tierernährung und Diätetik

    Fabio Procoli, DMV, MVetMed, DACVIM, DECVIM-CA (Internal Medicine), MRCVS

    Linda Toresson, DVM, PhD

    Jenessa Winston, DVM, PhD, DACV

    Leading experts discuss management of difficult canine and feline chronic enteropathy cases with an emphasis on practical, evidence-based advice for veterinarians.

    90+ minutes