dog of food with magnifying glass icon



Helpful information about the unique nutritional needs of dogs and cats with certain lifestyles or health challenges.



  • Understanding Mild Age-Related Cognitive Decline in Dogs and the Role of Diet

    Understanding Mild Age-Related Cognitive Decline in Dogs and the Role of Diet

    Tailored nutrition may help slow the progression and manage the signs of mild age-related cognitive decline in dogs.

    1 min to 5 min

  • microbiome

    Managing the Gut Microbiome

    Diet, a controllable factor that influences the gut microbiome, offers a daily opportunity to contribute to gut health.

    1 min to 5 min

  • More Than a Meal: Putting Purina's Microbiome Science into Practice

    Decades of research into the microbiome and nutritional interventions such as prebiotics and probiotics reveals how diet influences the gut microbiome and ultimately contributes to pet health.​

    20+ minutes