dog of food with magnifying glass icon



Helpful information about the unique nutritional needs of dogs and cats with certain lifestyles or health challenges.



  • Nutrition and the Immune System

    Good nutrition is essential to ensure a strong immune system throughout the life of cats and dogs. Age, disease or stress can all affect the immune system. Diet plays an important role to optimize immune function and ultimately strengthen the natural defense and immune response.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Nutrition and Urinary Tract Health in Cats

    Feline lower urinary tract diseases (FLUTDs) have a multi-factorial etiology. Diet can play an important role as part of the overall management.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Feline Lower Urinary Tract Health The Role of Diet

    Feline Lower Urinary Tract Health: The Role of Diet

    Nutrition plays a role in the maintenance of feline lower urinary tract health.

    1 min to 5 min