dog of food with magnifying glass icon



Helpful information about the unique nutritional needs of dogs and cats with certain lifestyles or health challenges.



3 Results


  • a novel approach to managing allergies to cats

    A Novel Approach to Managing Allergies to Cats - Mechanism of Action

    How a novel nutritional approach can help manage cat allergens, allowing allergic cat owners to spend more quality time with their cats.​

    1 min to 5 min

  • black and white dog with a cat next to him looking up with paw up

    HYDRATION IN PETS: Strategies To Manage Water Balance In Cats And Dogs

    Water is an essential nutrient and is considered the nutrient most critical for survival. Losses in body water of just 10-15% can cause death, with animals able to tolerate much higher fat or protein losses.

    20+ minutes

  • a transformational approach to managing cat allergens

    A Transformational Approach to Managing Cat Allergens

    Learn about a breakthrough discovery and a transformational nutritional approach to managing the major cat allergen – helping to keep allergic cat owners and their cats together! ​

    1 min to 5 min