Life Stage Nutrition Image


Practical information about the nutritional needs of cats and dogs at each life stage, including growth, maintenance, reproduction and aging.

Senior Cat

Benefits of Nutrition Shown in Groundbreaking Longevity Study in Cats

Purina conducted a groundbreaking 9-year study that demonstrated feeding a specific blend of nutrients can extend the healthy lives of cats.​

Top Facts to Know:

Ninety healthy mixed-breed cats between 7 and 17 years of age entered the Purina study, and remained in the study for life. The cats were divided into three balanced groups, each group fed one of three different diets:

cat years of life graphic


Purina’s blend of nutrients increased life span in these cats by an average of one year. The study showed that maintaining weight and lean body mass in non-obese cats helped senior cats live longer.

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Effect of Diet and Body Composition on Life Span in Aging Cats by Carolyn J. Cupp

Purina's groundbreaking 9-year study showed that feeding a specific blend of nutrients can extend the healthy lives of cats.​

6 min to 10 min

Additional Resources

Cupp, C. J., & Kerr, W. W. (2010, March 26-27). Effect of diet and body composition on life span in aging cats. Proceedings of the Companion Animal Nutrition Summit: Focus on gerontology. Clearwater Beach, FL, United States, 40–46. ​

Cupp, C. J., Kerr, W. W., Jean-Philippe, C., Patil, A. R., & Perez-Camargo, G. (2008). The role of nutritional interventions in the longevity and maintenance of long-term health in aging cats. International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine, 6(2), 69–81.