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    Learn more about epilepsy and the research by Purina in partnership with the Royal Veterinary College of London.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Cooking Processes & Commercial Pet Foods

    Various cooking processes are used in preparing commercial pet foods to ensure delivery of highly nutritious, palatable products. The methods used are determined by the final form (e.g., a dry or wet food), desired texture and visual properties, and packaging. Common forms of pet food include dry extruded kibbles and canned wet food.

    6 min to 10 min

  • healthy aged golden retriever dog

    ZIVA, a Healthy Aging Dog

    Get to know Ziva, an 8-year-old, spayed-female Golden Retriever.​

  • a black senior labrador retriever

    RUSTY, a Senior Dog

    Meet Rusty, a senior dog who may have mild cognitive decline.

  • A black and white border collie

    CHAMP, an Athletic Dog

    Meet Champ, a travelling, occasionally stressed canine athlete.

  • Meet Molly, an obese, but otherwise healthy, adult, large-breed dog.

    MOLLY, an Obese Dog

    Meet Molly, an obese, but otherwise healthy, adult, large-breed dog.

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    Feeding the Brain: Putting Purina’s Nutritional Science Into Practice

    The developing brain has unique nutritional demands to set the foundation for lifelong brain health. Metabolic changes and risk factors associated with brain aging, age-related cognitive decline, and the resulting behavioral changes can be targeted with nutritional interventions that support healthier brain aging.​

    16 min to 20 min

  • brown lab nursing 4 puppies

    Nutrition for Pregnant and Lactating Dogs and Their Nursing Puppies

    Nutrition plays a critical role in optimizing canine reproduction and in supporting puppy development and growth.

    1 min to 5 min

  • light colored dog looking at the camera with a head tilt

    Maintenance Nutrition for Healthy Adult Dogs

    Every adult dog has unique nutritional needs. Tailored nutrition can help them live long, healthy lives.

    1 min to 5 min