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  • Toxic Foods for Dogs and Cats

    Toxic Foods for Dogs and Cats

    Many common food items found in kitchens are potentially harmful to dogs and cats.

    1 min to 5 min

  • How to Encourage Finicky Pets to Eat

    Pets who are finicky, fussy or not interested in food can be a challenge.

    1 min to 5 min

  • Nutrition and Heart Health

    The heart is a vital organ that relies on specific nutrients and a continuous supply of energy to support and maintain a regular rate and rhythm, yet the role of nutrition in pets’ cardiac health is often overlooked.

    6 min to 10 min

  • hot topic Feeding guidelines on pet food labels

    Feeding Guidelines on Pet Food Labels

    Feeding guidelines are designed to help owners determine the quantity of food to feed their pets to ensure an optimal body condition, but owners may be unsure how to use them.

    6 min to 10 min

  • healthy aged golden retriever dog

    ZIVA, a Healthy Aging Dog

    Get to know Ziva, an 8-year-old, spayed-female Golden Retriever.​

  • A black and white border collie

    CHAMP, an Athletic Dog

    Meet Champ, a travelling, occasionally stressed canine athlete.

  • Meet Molly, an obese, but otherwise healthy, adult, large-breed dog.

    MOLLY, an Obese Dog

    Meet Molly, an obese, but otherwise healthy, adult, large-breed dog.

  • light colored dog looking at the camera with a head tilt

    Maintenance Nutrition for Healthy Adult Dogs

    Every adult dog has unique nutritional needs. Tailored nutrition can help them live long, healthy lives.

    1 min to 5 min

  • How do I choose a healthy dog food

    How Do I Choose a Healthy Dog Food?

    Here are several factors to consider when you are choosing a food for your dog.

    1 min to 5 min