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  • Feeding Pets for Weight Loss

    Up to 63% of pet cats and 59.3% of pet dogs are overweight or obese, and this condition is linked with serious health risks. However, many pet owners do not recognize their dog or cat is overweight or how nutrition can help manage healthy weight–and a healthier life—for their pet.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Decreased Energy Needs in Pets After Spaying or Neutering

    Decreased Energy Needs in Pets After Spaying or Neutering

    Neutering may increase a pet’s risk for becoming overweight or obese.

    1 min to 5 min


    OBESITY IN PETS: Nutritional and Behavioral Strategies for Preventing and Managing Excess Weight

    Preventing and managing excess weight can help dogs and cats lead better, and importantly, longer lives.

    20+ minutes