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  • Nutrition and Heart Health

    The heart is a vital organ that relies on specific nutrients and a continuous supply of energy to support and maintain a regular rate and rhythm, yet the role of nutrition in pets’ cardiac health is often overlooked.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Cooking Processes & Commercial Pet Foods

    Various cooking processes are used in preparing commercial pet foods to ensure delivery of highly nutritious, palatable products. The methods used are determined by the final form (e.g., a dry or wet food), desired texture and visual properties, and packaging. Common forms of pet food include dry extruded kibbles and canned wet food.

    6 min to 10 min

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    Feeding Management of the Neutered Cat by Jennifer A. Larsen

    Neutered cats are predisposed to becoming overweight or obese.​

    11 min to 15 min

  • mixed breed kitten

    KITTY, an Already-Spayed Kitten

    Meet Kitty, a kitten newly adopted from an animal shelter.

  • Why Choose a Large Breed Dog Food

    Learn why large and giant breed dogs can benefit from a food that is formulated to meet their specific needs.​

    1 min to 5 min

  • yellow and white small dog with a blue background

    Why Choose a Small Breed Dog Food

    Learn why small dogs can benefit from a food specifically formulated for them.

    1 min to 5 min

  • open hand holding kibble

    How Do Pet Food Companies Ensure Food Safety?

    Pet food manufacturers are committed to producing safe, nutritious cat and dog foods.

    1 min to 5 min

  • Feeding Kittens

    Feeding Kittens

    Kittens should be fed to achieve normal growth and a lean, healthy body condition.

    1 min to 5 min

  • dry pet food kibble

    Can Dogs and Cats Eat the Same Food?

    Cats and dogs have different nutritional needs, so they should be fed food specifically formulated for their species.

    1 min to 5 min