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  • mixed breed kitten

    KITTY, an Already-Spayed Kitten

    Meet Kitty, a kitten newly adopted from an animal shelter.

  • Domestic Shorthair cat

    GENERAL, a Senior Cat

    Get to know General, an indoor-outdoor senior cat.

  • Long hair cat with blue eyes

    AUTUMN, a Cat With Hepatic Lipidosis

    Meet Autumn, an anorexic adult cat

  • yellow and white small dog with a blue background

    Why Choose a Small Breed Dog Food

    Learn why small dogs can benefit from a food specifically formulated for them.

    1 min to 5 min

  • Why Choose a Large Breed Dog Food

    Learn why large and giant breed dogs can benefit from a food that is formulated to meet their specific needs.​

    1 min to 5 min

  • healthy aged golden retriever dog

    ZIVA, a Healthy Aging Dog

    Get to know Ziva, an 8-year-old, spayed-female Golden Retriever.​

  • a black senior labrador retriever

    RUSTY, a Senior Dog

    Meet Rusty, a senior dog who may have mild cognitive decline.