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  • hot topic hydration in pets

    Hydration in Pets

    Water is vital to health. How much water should pets drink, are there differences between cats and dogs, and how can pets be encouraged to drink?

    6 min to 10 min

  • Cooking Processes & Commercial Pet Foods

    Various cooking processes are used in preparing commercial pet foods to ensure delivery of highly nutritious, palatable products. The methods used are determined by the final form (e.g., a dry or wet food), desired texture and visual properties, and packaging. Common forms of pet food include dry extruded kibbles and canned wet food.

    6 min to 10 min

  • groundbreaking longevity study graphic

    Benefits of Nutrition Shown in Groundbreaking Longevity Study in Cats

    Purina conducted a groundbreaking 9-year study that demonstrated feeding a specific blend of nutrients can extend the healthy lives of cats.

    1 min to 5 min

  • Domestic Shorthair cat

    GENERAL, a Senior Cat

    Get to know General, an indoor-outdoor senior cat.

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    Effect of Diet and Body Composition on Life Span in Aging Cats by Carolyn J. Cupp

    Purina's groundbreaking 9-year study showed that feeding a specific blend of nutrients can extend the healthy lives of cats.​

    1 min to 5 min

  • black and white dog with a cat next to him looking up with paw up

    HYDRATION IN PETS: Strategies To Manage Water Balance In Cats And Dogs

    Water is an essential nutrient and is considered the nutrient most critical for survival. Losses in body water of just 10-15% can cause death, with animals able to tolerate much higher fat or protein losses.

    20+ minutes

  • Why Choose a Large Breed Dog Food

    Learn why large and giant breed dogs can benefit from a food that is formulated to meet their specific needs.​

    1 min to 5 min

  • yellow and white small dog with a blue background

    Why Choose a Small Breed Dog Food

    Learn why small dogs can benefit from a food specifically formulated for them.

    1 min to 5 min

  • open hand holding kibble

    How Do Pet Food Companies Ensure Food Safety?

    Pet food manufacturers are committed to producing safe, nutritious cat and dog foods.

    1 min to 5 min