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  • Nutrition and Heart Health

    The heart is a vital organ that relies on specific nutrients and a continuous supply of energy to support and maintain a regular rate and rhythm, yet the role of nutrition in pets’ cardiac health is often overlooked.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Nutrition and the Immune System

    Good nutrition is essential to ensure a strong immune system throughout the life of cats and dogs. Age, disease or stress can all affect the immune system. Diet plays an important role to optimize immune function and ultimately strengthen the natural defense and immune response.

    6 min to 10 min

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    Gingivitis & Periodontitis in Dogs and Cats

    Nutrition can play a role in the prevention and management of periodontal disease in dogs and cats.

    1 min to 5 min

  • red generic tooth icon

    Halitosis in Dogs and Cats

    Nutrition can play a role in the management of halitosis in pets.

    1 min to 5 min