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  • hot topic protein and senior pets

    Protein and Senior Pets

    Protein is a key nutrient for dogs and cats and a source of amino acids, the 'building blocks' used to build new proteins in the body. Irrespective of the pet’s age, protein plays many important roles in the body.

    6 min to 10 min

  • hot topic protein in food allergies

    Protein in Food Allergies

    Food allergies are not common in dogs and cats, but pet owners often believe that a pet’s skin or intestinal symptoms are allergic reactions to specific food ingredients.

    6 min to 10 min

  • hot topic source of protein and protein quality

    The Source of Protein and Protein Quality

    Protein is an essential nutrient that can be provided by both plant and animal sources. Are there differences between plant and animal proteins and what is considered a good quality protein?

    6 min to 10 min

  • Vitamins in dog food

    Vitamins in Pet Food

    Vitamins are important nutrients for pets and people. What are their functions, and should pets be given vitamin supplements?

    6 min to 10 min

  • hot topic hydration in pets

    Hydration in Pets

    Water is vital to health. How much water should pets drink, are there differences between cats and dogs, and how can pets be encouraged to drink?

    6 min to 10 min

  • Probiotics

    Probiotics offer many benefits, but with so many options available, pet owners may not know how to select the best quality and most appropriate one for their pet's needs

    6 min to 10 min

  • Antioxidants in Pet Foods

    Dietary antioxidants support pet health and help preserve the nutritional quality of pet food. Learn more about the important ways that antioxidants contribute to better, longer lives for pets.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Carbohydrates in Pet Food

    Dietary carbohydrates in pet food help meet the pet’s physiological need for glucose. However, due to the ancestral origins of dogs and cats, some owners may question whether carbohydrates should be a part of their pets’ diet.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Hot topic essential fatty acids

    Essential Fatty Acids in Pet Food

    Pets obtain essential fatty acids from their diet. What are these fatty acids, and how do they support pet health?

    6 min to 10 min