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    Raw Meat-Based Diets: Current Evidence Regarding Benefits and Risks by Beth A. Hamper, DVM, PhD, DACVN

    Are raw meat-based diets a suitable option for pets?​

    11 min to 15 min

  • Nutrition and the Immune System

    Good nutrition is essential to ensure a strong immune system throughout the life of cats and dogs. Age, disease or stress can all affect the immune system. Diet plays an important role to optimize immune function and ultimately strengthen the natural defense and immune response.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Cooking Processes & Commercial Pet Foods

    Various cooking processes are used in preparing commercial pet foods to ensure delivery of highly nutritious, palatable products. The methods used are determined by the final form (e.g., a dry or wet food), desired texture and visual properties, and packaging. Common forms of pet food include dry extruded kibbles and canned wet food.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Hot topic gluten

    Gluten in Pet Food

    Gluten-free diets are increasingly popular in human nutrition and this in turn can influence pet food decisions. What exactly is gluten and why is it found in pet food?

    6 min to 10 min

  • Raw Food Diets

    Raw food diets are popular with pet owners but the nutritional benefits are unproven, and most are unaware of the health risks that raw food can pose to pets — and people.

    6 min to 10 min

  • HOT TOPIC vegetarian diets for pets

    Vegetarian Diets for Pets

    Vegetarians may choose a meat free diet for many reasons including concerns for health, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability. For similar reasons, some pet owners may wonder if a vegetarian diet is an acceptable option for their pet.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Hot topics homemade diets

    Homemade Pet Foods

    Homemade diets are perceived as healthier to some pet owners, but despite their draw, they may not be complete and balanced for healthy pets.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Why Choose a Large Breed Dog Food

    Learn why large and giant breed dogs can benefit from a food that is formulated to meet their specific needs.​

    1 min to 5 min

  • yellow and white small dog with a blue background

    Why Choose a Small Breed Dog Food

    Learn why small dogs can benefit from a food specifically formulated for them.

    1 min to 5 min