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  • Long hair cat with blue eyes

    AUTUMN, a Cat With Hepatic Lipidosis

    Meet Autumn, an anorexic adult cat

  • purebred Jack Russell Terrier puppy

    JAX, a Small Breed Puppy

    Say hello to Jax, an energetic, small breed puppy.

  • mixed breed kitten

    KITTY, an Already-Spayed Kitten

    Meet Kitty, a kitten newly adopted from an animal shelter.

  • Purina Institute Digest Volume 4 Cover

    Volume 4: Diet Can Make a Difference: Nutrition and Chronic Kidney Disease

    Read about the role of nutrition in the management of canine and feline chronic kidney disease, and about factors that impact food intake and renal diet acceptance in cats.

    16 min to 20 min

  • Chronic kidney cat

    CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN CATS: Nutritional Management

    Nutritional interventions tailored to the individual cat with CKD can play a key role in slowing disease progression, reducing signs of uremia, addressing homeostatic changes resulting from CKD, and improving quality of life as well as life span.

    20+ minutes