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  • Orange indoor domestic shorthair cat

    SOPHIE, an Indoor Cat

    Say hello to Sophie, an indoor-only adult cat.

  • black scottish terrier

    ANNIE, Canine Adverse Food Reaction

    Get to know Annie, a young adult, small-breed dog with pruritus and chronic diarrhea.

  • Meet Molly, an obese, but otherwise healthy, adult, large-breed dog.

    MOLLY, an Obese Dog

    Meet Molly, an obese, but otherwise healthy, adult, large-breed dog.

  • Long hair cat with blue eyes

    AUTUMN, a Cat With Hepatic Lipidosis

    Meet Autumn, an anorexic adult cat

  • purebred Jack Russell Terrier puppy

    JAX, a Small Breed Puppy

    Say hello to Jax, an energetic, small breed puppy.

  • mixed breed kitten

    KITTY, an Already-Spayed Kitten

    Meet Kitty, a kitten newly adopted from an animal shelter.

  • teal canine heart icon

    Dietary Management of Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease (MMVD)

    A novel nutritional intervention can help improve heart function and slow disease progression in dogs with early stage MMVD.

    1 min to 5 min

  • purple feline heart icon

    Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) in Cats

    Cats with heart disease often appear healthy until their heart is failing. Once diagnosed with heart failure, nutritional modifications can help support heart health.

    1 min to 5 min

  • teal canine heart icon

    Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) in Dogs

    Nutrition can play an important role in helping to manage the clinical signs that occur when the heart no longer adequately compensates for changes associated with heart disease.

    1 min to 5 min