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  • Purina Institute Digest Volume 2

    Volume 2: Tips for Successful Management of Gastrointestinal Disease

    Discover different dietary options for management of acute gastroenteritis, chronic enteropathy, and feline pancreatitis.

    16 min to 20 min

  • Purina_Institute_Digest_Volume_3

    Volume 3: Putting Microbiome Science into Practice

    Understand how changes in the microbiome can influence management of chronic enteropathy and what tools can positively impact case management, such as diet trials and fecal microbiota transfer.

    16 min to 20 min

  • Purina Institute hydrolized protein diets

    Applications for HYDROLYZED PROTEIN DIETS in Dermatologic and Gastrointestinal Diseases

    Learn about adverse food reactions and how hydrolyzed protein diets can be used for the management of certain skin and gastrointestinal conditions.

    20+ minutes

  • Tips for effective food elimination trial Handout page

    Feeding for Success: Tips for an Effective Food Elimination Trial

    Share these tips with pet owners to help them understand what makes a food elimination trial successful.

    1 min to 5 min

  • Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in pet food

    Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in pet food

    Although medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) do not supply essential fatty acids and thus should not be the only dietary fat source in pet food, 1 studies show supplementing MCTs in the diet can provide health benefits to some dogs.

    6 min to 10 min

  • The nutritional benefit of including organs in dog and cat food

    The nutritional benefit of including organs in dog and cat food

    Pet owners often ask veterinary health care providers why organs are included in pet food. There are nutritional advantages to including organs, and utilizing organs in dog and cat food is also beneficial for the environment.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Postbiotics_in_pet_food

    Postbiotics in pet foods

    Postbiotics are an example of a dietary intervention that may improve microbiome, gastrointestinal, and host health.

    6 min to 10 min