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  • feline stomach intestine icon

    Feline Chronic Gastroenteropathy

    Nutritional interventions are an important part of the management of cats with chronic gastroenteropathy.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Nutrition and Urinary Tract Health in Cats

    Feline lower urinary tract diseases (FLUTDs) have a multi-factorial etiology. Diet can play an important role as part of the overall management.

    6 min to 10 min

  • feeding the finicky feline

    Feeding the finicky feline

    Encouraging picky cats to eat can be frustrating for veterinary health care providers and pet owners alike. Managing medical conditions and stress and implementing strategies to improve food intake can help finicky felines meet their energy and nutrient needs. These strategies apply to hospitalized cats and cats in a home environment.

    6 min to 10 min

  • Purina Institute Digest Volume I

    Volume 1: Dealing With Frustrating Feline Elimination Disorders

    Learn about common causes of feline lower urinary tract disease and important strategies to manage these cases, including nutrition, environmental modification, and increasing hydration.

    16 min to 20 min