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    Balanced Feeding Assists Healthy Growth in Dogs by Britta Dobenecker

    Feeding a balanced diet supports healthy skeletal development and a lean body condition in puppies.​

    11 min to 15 min

  • Understanding Postbiotics and Their Effects on Gastrointestinal and Host Health

    Understanding Postbiotics and Their Effects on Gastrointestinal and Host Health

    Postbiotics contain dead microorganisms and/or their components, but they still provide biological benefits for the microbiome and overall health. Learn more about this emerging topic in microbiome science.

    20+ minutes

  • PREBIOTICS: Effects On Gastrointestinal And Host Health

    PREBIOTICS: Effects On Gastrointestinal And Host Health

    Prebiotics are dietary fibers that offer important nutritional interventions for preventive gut health and the management of health conditions.

    20+ minutes

  • black and white dog with a cat next to him looking up with paw up

    HYDRATION IN PETS: Strategies To Manage Water Balance In Cats And Dogs

    Water is an essential nutrient and is considered the nutrient most critical for survival. Losses in body water of just 10-15% can cause death, with animals able to tolerate much higher fat or protein losses.

    20+ minutes


    OBESITY IN PETS: Nutritional and Behavioral Strategies for Preventing and Managing Excess Weight

    Preventing and managing excess weight can help dogs and cats lead better, and importantly, longer lives.

    20+ minutes