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  • Fast Fact

    What is ash and why is it found in pet food?

    Fast Fact

    Ash (also referred to as "crude ash," "inorganic matter" or "incinerated residue") is a regulatory or technical term that represents the mineral content of a food. Ash is what remains of a pet food after a sample is incinerated as part of a laboratory analysis.

    The organic content (i.e., carbohydrate, fiber, fat and protein) will be totally combusted and only the minerals will remain (e.g., calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.). The mineral content in pet food comes from ingredients and supplements added to the formula. Some regulatory agencies require pet food companies to declare ash content on the pet food label.

  • Pomeranian mitochondria

    Transforming Heart Health

    A novel dietary intervention for dogs with early stage myxomatous mitral valve disease

    20+ minutes

  • Fast Fact

    Should you choose wet or dry food for senior pets?

    Fast Fact

    The choice of whether to feed a senior pet wet or dry food is ultimately dependent on the individual pet and owner's preferences. However, in certain cases, wet food can offer benefits for the older pet: Wet food is softer and easier for senior pets with missing teeth or other advanced dental issues to chew. Wet food, due to its high moisture content, may help keep senior pets hydrated.

    Providing multiple water bowls can also help encourage drinking. Senior pets may have a decreased sense of smell and taste, which can affect appetite. Gently warming the food can help enhance its aroma and flavor. Whether feeding wet or dry food, food and water bowls should be located where senior pets can reach them easily. Elevating bowls a few inches off the ground may help senior pets with arthritis.

  • viszla and lysine crystals

    Amino Acid-Based Enteral Diets For Canine Adverse Food Reactions and Gastrointestinal Disease

    Learn about the history, uses, and benefits of amino acid-based enteral diets.

    20+ minutes

  • Purina_Institute_Digest_Volume_3

    Volume 3: Putting Microbiome Science into Practice

    Understand how changes in the microbiome can influence management of chronic enteropathy and what tools can positively impact case management, such as diet trials and fecal microbiota transfer.

    16 min to 20 min

  • Purina Institute Digest Volume 4 Cover

    Volume 4: Diet Can Make a Difference: Nutrition and Chronic Kidney Disease

    Read about the role of nutrition in the management of canine and feline chronic kidney disease, and about factors that impact food intake and renal diet acceptance in cats.

    16 min to 20 min

  • Chronic kidney cat

    CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN CATS: Nutritional Management

    Nutritional interventions tailored to the individual cat with CKD can play a key role in slowing disease progression, reducing signs of uremia, addressing homeostatic changes resulting from CKD, and improving quality of life as well as life span.

    20+ minutes

  • Purina Institute hydrolized protein diets

    Applications for HYDROLYZED PROTEIN DIETS in Dermatologic and Gastrointestinal Diseases

    Learn about adverse food reactions and how hydrolyzed protein diets can be used for the management of certain skin and gastrointestinal conditions.

    20+ minutes

  • Understanding Postbiotics and Their Effects on Gastrointestinal and Host Health

    Understanding Postbiotics and Their Effects on Gastrointestinal and Host Health

    Postbiotics contain dead microorganisms and/or their components, but they still provide biological benefits for the microbiome and overall health. Learn more about this emerging topic in microbiome science.

    20+ minutes