Companion Animal Nutrition Summit



  • Immunity-inflammation

    Nutritional Modulation of Immunity and Inflammation

    Simin N. Meydani, DVM, PhD

    Normal immune and inflammatory responses are influenced by many factors, including aging and nutrition. Learn how specific nutrients can modify inflammatory and cell-mediated immune responses.

    30-60 minutes

  • Immunity-inflammation

    Companion Animal Nutrition Summit 2024 Proceedings

    Expand your knowledge on how nutrition can be leveraged to modify inflammation and immunity.

    30-60 minutes

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    Optimal Nutrition for Promoting Healthy Brain Ageing in Dogs

    Yuanlong (Gary) Pan, BVM, PhD

    A brief review of age-related changes in the brain and how specific nutrients can support brain health in healthy senior dogs and those with cognitive dysfunction syndrome.

    Less than 30 minutes

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    Investigating the Potential of Targeting Microbiome Dysbiosis for Combatting Immunosenescence

    Niharika A. Duggal, BSc (Hons), PhD, PGCHE

    Microbiome-based therapies, which offer a range of health benefits, are attracting interest as a target for anti-immune ageing therapies.

    30-60 minutes

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    Diet and Immune Function

    Caroline Childs, BSc (Hons), PhD, RNutr

    An introduction to the links between diet and immune function and the evidence for using diet in the prevention or management of health conditions.

    30-60 minutes

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    Panel Discussion: The Microbiome, the Gut and Brain Function

    Jan S. Suchodolski, MedVet, DrVetMed, PhD, AGAF, DACVM Marcus Böhme, MSc, PhD Holger A. Volk, DVM, PhD, PGCAP, DECVN Natasha J. Olby, VetMb, PhD, DACVIM

    Speakers from The Microbiome, the Gut and Brain Function section of the 2023 Companion Animal Nutrition Summit answer presentation-related questions.

    Less than 30 minutes

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    The Gut Microbiome as a Target for Improving Brain Health During Ageing

    Marcus Böhme, MSc, PhD

    An overview of the relationship between the gut microbiota and age-related changes in the brain, including opportunities for microbiota-based interventions in brain ageing.

    30-60 minutes

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    How Old (and Healthy) Is Your Patient, Really?

    Pascal Steiner, PhD

    Biological clocks may enable pet health by detecting how and when aging occurs, allowing veterinarians to recommend dietary and lifestyle changes that promote a healthy lifespan for pets.

    Less than 30 minutes

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    Changes in the Gut Microbiome and Function Over Lifespan

    Jan S. Suchodolski, MedVet, DrVetMed, PhD, AGAF, DACVM

    An overview of changes in the gut microbiota composition across the lifespan of dogs and cats and the impact of those changes on microbiota functions.

    30-60 minutes