Microbiome Forum Lectures



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    A Practical Approach to Dietary Fiber

    Julia Fritz, Dr. med. vet, DECVCN

    A review of relevant properties of dietary fiber and how those traits determine which veterinary patients can benefit from their use.

    30-60 minutes

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    The Feline Microbiome in Gastrointestinal Disease

    Fabio Procoli, DMV, MVetMed, DACVIM, DECVIM-CA (Internal Medicine), MRCVS

    Real clinical cases are used to demonstrate how the intestinal microbiome impacts development of common GI disorders in cats and how to manage intestinal dysbiosis.

    30-60 minutes

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    The Role of Postbiotics in Pet Nutrition and Health

    Kelly Swanson, PhD

    Discover what is currently known about postbiotics, from what makes these biotics different to evidence of their potential benefits for dogs and cats.

    30-60 minutes

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    Severe Dysbiosis and Chronic Non-responsive Diarrhea – Could It Be Bile Acid Diarrhea?

    Linda Toresson, DVM, PhD

    How to interpret microbiome testing results in dogs with chronic enteropathies, when to suspect bile acid diarrhea, and how dysbiosis index results can be used to guide chronic enteropathy management.

    30-60 minutes

  • Diagnostic_Evaluation_2

    Diagnostic evaluation of the gut microbiome, part 2

    Jan Suchodolski, MedVet, DrVetMed, PhD, AGAF, DACVM

    Discover how no single test allows proper assessment of the gut microbiota and its function and why a combination of molecular tools, with an emphasis on the gut dysbiosis index, is needed for case management.

    30-60 minutes

  • Probiotics_And_Synbiotics

    Probiotics and synbiotics: separating fact from fiction

    Gail Czarnecki-Maulden, MS, PhD

    Learn how probiotic strains are identified and developed, and uncover the truth behind common myths and misconceptions about probiotics and synbiotics.

    30-60 minutes

  • The_Impact_Of_Fiber

    Nutrition, Gut Health and the Microbiome: the Impact of Fiber and Macronutrients

    Valerie Parker, DVM, DACVIM, DACVN

    Learn about the mechanisms and impact of macronutrient changes and fiber on gut health and the microbiome, with a focus on clinical relevance.

    30-60 minutes

  • The_Current_State

    The Current State of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation

    Linda Toresson, DVM, PhD

    Jan Suchodolski, MedVet, DrVetMed, PhD, AGAF, DACVM

    Experts discuss the current evidence for FMT, its benefits and risks, how it should be performed, and when FMT is appropriate in clinical cases.

    30-60 minutes

  • The_Oral_Microbiome

    The oral microbiome: current knowledge and clinical implications

    Julie Spears, PhD

    Explore current knowledge of the oral microbiome, including its development and the impact of dental disease and dental cleaning.

    30-60 minutes