Microbiome Forum Lectures



  • mbf 2023 website thumbnail

    Day 1 Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks

    Jan Suchodolski, MedVet, DrVetMed, PhD, AGAF, DACVM Kathrin Busch, DVM, DrMedVet, DECVIM-CA Julien Dandrieux, BSc, DrMedVet, PhD, DACVIM (SAIM), MRCVS Paula Giaretta, MedVet, MSc, PhD, DACVP Susan Hodel, B Vet Med

    The day’s speakers join Dr. Jan Suchodolski to answer questions submitted by audience members.

    Less than 30 minutes

  • microbiome round table 2023

    Managing Difficult Chronic Enteropathy Cases

    Jan Suchodolski, MedVet, DrVetMed, PhD, AGAF, DACVM

    Julia Fritz, DECVCN, FTÄ Tierernährung und Diätetik

    Fabio Procoli, DMV, MVetMed, DACVIM, DECVIM-CA (Internal Medicine), MRCVS

    Linda Toresson, DVM, PhD

    Jenessa Winston, DVM, PhD, DACV

    Leading experts discuss management of difficult canine and feline chronic enteropathy cases with an emphasis on practical, evidence-based advice for veterinarians.

    90+ minutes

  • The_Intersection

    The intersection of the gut microbiome, immunity, and health in humans and animals

    Holly Lutz, PhD

    Explore the important role of the gut and its microbiome in host immunity and inflammation, including mechanisms of host-microbe interactions and variations in their relationship throughout the animal kingdom.

    Less than 30 minutes

  • Probiotics

    Probiotics, the gut microbiome and immunity

    Mike Lappin, DVM, PhD, DACVIM

    Probiotics and synbiotics exert their effects through numerous mechanisms. Explore the current scientific evidence behind their role in modulating the host immune response.

    30-60 minutes

  • Beyond_The_Bacteria

    Beyond the bacteria: evidence-based selection of probiotics and synbiotics

    Mike Lappin, DVM, PhD, DACVIM

    Explore the current clinical evidence for probiotics and synbiotics for dogs and cats, including their nongastrointestinal effects. Learn how to select an appropriate probiotic or synbiotic for clinical cases.

    30-60 minutes