Microbiome Forum Lectures



  • mbf 2023 website thumbnail

    The Gut–Kidney Axis and Its Role in Feline CKD

    Jessica Quimby, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM), PhD

    Get new insights into how the gut microbiome, uremic toxins, hydration, and diet interact to influence the health of cats with chronic kidney disease.

    Less than 30 minutes

  • mbf 2023 website thumbnail

    The Gut–Brain Axis in Epilepsy and Cognitive Dysfunction

    Holger Volk, DVM, DECVN, PhD, PGCAP, FHEA, MRCVS

    The gut–brain axis and diet play important roles in the management of canine idiopathic epilepsy, its comorbidities, and cognition.

    30-60 minutes

  • mbf 2023 website thumbnail

    Differential Fermentation of Fibers by Dogs and Cats

    Julie Spears, PhD

    Learn why testing fermentable fibers and prebiotics in specific species (i.e., dog versus cat) is both necessary and beneficial.

    Less than 30 minutes